Friday, December 22, 2006

Beauty of The Philippines

Some simply stunning footage from the tropical rainforest. Amazing how many creatures there are out in this world of ours.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Massive Corn Picked From My Backyard

This ear of corn was picked a little premature as you can see by the end, but it still is a monster. Almost a foot long! It was grown in Michigan just outside the city of Detroit. I did not use any pesticides or fertilizer. I did water it almost every day. This is the first of many, as I planted 3 rows of 7. What do all you farmers think? Is this the largest ear of corn you have ever seen or what?

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Quick Growing Cana Lily

The Cana Lily is a fast growing plant that can grow up to 8-10' high in a single summer. This plant grows from a bulb that should be planted just underneath the surface exposing the top of the bulb. These bulbs can hold water for a very long period of time. The Cana Lily doesn't even need to be watered over the wintertime when it is kept inside. The Cana develops a red flower that comes out of the top of the plant in the late summer to early fall.

The Cana Lily bulbs should be dug up in the winter time, and kept inside over the winter in harsh climate areas. You can simple clip the dead shoots off to just leave the bulbs like you see below. I suggest keeping them in a black plastic garbage bag. Make sure they are fairly dry before you store them. Don't water them at all over the winter they will spring back to life after exposed to the sunlight.
In some areas down South the bulb can be left in the ground, and will come up every year like any other perennial. If you would like to purchase Cana Lily bulbs you can do so through my website here!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Dragon Tree or Dracaena Marginata

Another tree-like houseplant.. it can grow 15 to 20 feet tall. Bright brillant green leaves grow out the top of this plant. I believe this plant can be reproduced throught cuttings, but I have yet to try it. The bottom leaves die off as the plant becomes taller. The older it gets, the more it tends to resemble a tree. The plant can survive in medium light, and a variety of soil conditions. The dragon tree is native to madagascar and it's scientific name is dracaena marginata. What do you think of this tree of the dragon?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Filtering The Air With The Devil's Ivy

The Devil's Ivy or Golden Pothos is an extremely easy plant to take care of. This plant can handle lower lights, and is super easy to reproduce through cuttings like the ones shown in the pictures below.

This plant has been proven by NASA
to filter the air of many nasty chemicals including formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. The scientific name for this "clean air" plant is Epipremnum Aureum. Please note: this plant is toxic if ingested so don't let children and pets eat this plant. The devil's ivy works great on top of a fridge or simply as a hanging plant in any window.

Anyone else out there have the Devil's Ivy? I
know it is a very popular houseplant, so I am sure many of you have at least seen them around. If you haven't and you are interested in buying the Devil's Ivy you can do so here.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Amazing Tropical Corn Plant!

The Corn Plant or Janette-Craig is a tropical plant that can grow to at least 13' high. It can be reproduced though cuttings. Simply cut a shoot like the one in the picture below. You can soak in water until roots emerge, or you can use a growth hormone and simply plant it in potting soil. The Corn Plant is very popular in the home and in offices as it thrives in medium to lower light. The scientific name of this green and white beauty is massangeana. It can grow outdoors in the southern parts of the USA. Any comments? Post them below if you like!

You can learn more about Tropical Plants Here!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Time Lapse Photography

Just make it through the first 10 seconds...

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Unstoppable ZZ or Eternity Plant

A favorite for newlyweds, this Eternity plant is know for its amazing ability to survive in very low light and actually come back to life! This plant grows bulbs in the soil underground that hold water, so it is also very drought tolerant as well. Check out the crazy cutting below, you can actually see the bulb forming on the bottom of the cutting, pretty crazy what a plant can do that just by soaking it in water!
The cutting pictured above was formed simply by snipping a shoot and soaking it in water for 1-2 months. Then you simply plant it in soil and water periodically. The plant will not grow taller until the shoot "appears" to die off. Eventually a new shoot will then come up from the bulb underground and forming a whole new "shoot". Please note though, this might take a long time! Don't get discouraged!

Once the plant becomes large and established you can actually split the bulbs underground. Just be careful to remove the soil from the roots and bulbs. You can kinda tell where to break them by the shoots coming out. After you break them simply plant them in a different pot and watch them grow.

This plant will grow towards the light and becomes taller the farther away the light source is. This is without a doubt one of the most versatile plants I have every grown. The Eternity Plant can grow to about 3' high, but only when forced to grow to the light. The scientific name for the ZZ plant is Zamioculcas Zamiifolia.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mum's Always The Word!

Mums have always been a favorite of mine. The hardy mum flowers every fall and comes back every year. It can be reproduced by carefully dividing plants or simply watching them spread over the years. Mums come in a variety of colors including yellow, red, orange and white. Mums are the perfect addtion to any yard or sidewalk. The mum works excellent in the fall to brighten up a dying garden. Check them out! You will not be disappointed. They even make a great cut flower, it can last in a vase for days on end.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My newest Rose of Sharon Video!

These were taken in my backyard in the summer of 2006. Let me know what you think! This video was created with Google's Picasa. See how here!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Rose of Sharon or Hibiscus Tree

The Rose of Sharon or Hibiscus is a very unique plant. It can be mistaken for a tree as it grows up to 15' high. This hedge-like plant can be pruned to any shape. It flowers for two full months in July and August in beautiful Red, Pink, White and Purple flowers. Makes a great privacy barrier or hedge. This plant is fairly drough tolerant, the leaves will droop to let you know if they need water. Very easy to take care of! Click here for even more info on the Rose of Sharon or hibiscus species. Stay tuned for some cool video's that I made in Google's Picasa!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Spider Plants

The spider plant is extremely hard to kill! One of the best gifts for a brown thumb. Once the plant matures, and roots in the pot the spider plant will grow shoots out that have little white flowers on them. The spider plant can be reproduced by cutting these shoots like the ones below and simply soaking them in water. Over a period of a couple weeks to a month, roots will emerge and then you plant them in regular potting soil. Spider plants can live in a variety of lighting and soil conditions, so they are perfect for the "plant neglector" in your life! The scientific name is Chlorophytum Comosum. The clorophytum comosum make a great hanging plant and can be enjoyed for years! HMMM I wonder what the next post will be, I think I may be running out of plants in my house! I don't think I would know what else to talk about. For more information about the spider plant or to purchase the spider plants click here!

Friday, August 18, 2006

My Newly Created Rose of Sharon Video

Click play to watch the video!

I just created this in picasa tonight...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Crazy Deadly Wasps

Check out these gigantic wasps.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

English Ivy Grows Like a Weed

The English Ivy is a perfect plant for cuttings. It only takes a week or two before the cutting grows roots, simply by soaking in water. Then they can be planted in potting soil. Last step, watch them grow in medium or direct light. The english ivy is the perfect plant for a beginner or just someone with a brown thumb. What are your thoughts? Please post them below.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Dancing Wasps

I shot this video in my backyard. I didn't even get stung once :) What does everyone think?